GIIMSS- Glint Infotech Internet Marketing Services & Solutions

After the great success of Glint Infotech ~ MLM company! The GI Group decided to launch a new product / company in the market & named GIIMSS (Glint Infotech Internet Marketing Services & Solutions) !

GI groups always works & improve demerits of some old running companies in market. GI group modifies there plan & overcomes all its disadvantages & make it benifiecry for their clients /customers /associates!

The same way GIIMSS have been launched , by over coming the disadvantages of two such companies like SpeakAsiaOnline & Ram Survey! GIIMSS is an upcoming company in the market! Its official launch date is decided as 1st of June 2011. And people will get there seats & logins!

Let me introduce you the plan & advantages of GIIMSS! Since SpeakAsia ,Ram Survey , etc are running only on Survey Marketting. GIIMSS started launched a totally new plan which is not yet in the market!
GI group decided to give complete Internet marketing solution plus a great platform to people to earn & give there views.

GIIMSS launched Ads Marketing, Website Promotion & Survey Marketing! This all will work on point systems.
Which is totally new & unique in the market..
If you are interested in earing more than what you already do without any extra efforts...
contact me at: 9968006306
For knowing more about the company log on to

PS : (Coming Soon)

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