Smiley- Make some to convey emotions

Smiley, literally means, A symbol that represents a smiling face, formed by the characters:-) and used in electronic communications to indicate that the writer is pleased or joking. But, today, we use name "smiley" for all kind of Emoticon (icons representing emotions) that we used to express different mood or feeling. Whatever may be the mood, happy, sad, overwhelmed, angry, very happy or even feel like killing...there is an emoticon for the same.

Many people knows the symbol for a simple smile i.e., :) or tongue tease i.e., :P, but there are lot more of these icons. The most popular social networking site, Facebook has many supported smileys that serve its numerous users to chat with appropriate emotions.

If you don't know all of them, then dont worry here is the list:

smilesmile:-) :) :] =)
frownfrown:-( :( :[ =(
gaspgasp:-O :O :-o :o
gringrin:-D :D =D
tonguetongue:-P :P :-p :p =P
winkwink;-) ;)
curly lipscurly lips:3
kisskiss:-* :*
grumpygrumpy>:( >:-(
glassesglasses8-) 8) B-) B)
sunglassessunglasses8-| 8| B-| B|
upsetupset>:O >:-O >:o >:-o
confusedconfusedo.O O.o
angelangelO:) O:-)
devildevil3:) 3:-)
unsureunsure:/ :-/ :\ :-\
Chris PutnamChris Putnam:putnam:
more smileysget more smileys…
Smiley shortcuts are entered directly into the Facebook Chat window, you can insert them alone or in the middle of other text, Facebook recognizes them in any place. You can also write more of them in the same line of text.

Well, if this list is not enough then click on the 'more smiley' option to get more. You can also join the group Facebook Chat: Smiley and symbols for regular updated and easy access to emoticons on facebook.

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