What you can do to keep yourself cool this summer
Delhi's heat is getting hot day by day. Twenty six, 36, 40 and still rising.. People are doing everything possible to beat the scorching heat. The girls are opting for umbrellas, scarfs, shades, stole, sunglasses and whatever is possible to pack themselves up to save them getting tan, rashes or sun-burn. Covering you upper body isn't enough to beat the heat. You need to be protected and well covered from inside as well. Inner nutrition will help you beat the heat totally and more effectively than just covering your face and arms.
Keeping cool in rising mercury is just not about comfort, its about keeping a safe distance from heat-related illness ranging from headaches to heat cramps and heat strokes. The following tips may help you maintain you cool this summer...
Keeping cool in rising mercury is just not about comfort, its about keeping a safe distance from heat-related illness ranging from headaches to heat cramps and heat strokes. The following tips may help you maintain you cool this summer...
- Combat dehydration by drinking plenty of water along with sports drinks or other sources of electrolytes.
- Fill a spray bottle with water and keep it in the refrigerator for a quick refreshing spray to your face after being outdoors.
- Cotton clothing will keep you cooler than many synthetics.
- Fans can help circulate air and make you feel cooler even in an air-conditioned house.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol as these will promote dehydration.
- Instead of hot foods, try lighter summer fare including frequent small meals or snacks containing cold fruit or low fat dairy products. As an added benefit, you won't have to cook next to a hot stove.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing, preferably of a light color. You may remember the science lesson yo learnt once i.e., the light color reflects more heat and the black one is a good absorber of the heat. Stick to the rule to prevent more heat absorption.
- Alter your pattern of outdoor exercise to take advantage of cooler times (early morning or late evening). If you can't change the time of your workout, scale it down by doing fewer minutes, walking instead or running, or decreasing your level of exertion.
- Take frequent baths or showers with cool or tepid water.
- Learn the trick from a tennis player: if you're wearing a cap or hat, remove it and pour a bit of ice cold water into the hat, then quickly invert it and place on your head.
- Ditch the make-up: A number of women visit the dermatologist regularly, complaining that their skin feels parched and dry. A common reason is the excessive use of make-up. Cosmetic products combined with extended exposure to the sun tend to cause irritation or drying of the skin. It is recommended that minimal make-up be used during hot summer months. Your skin needs to breathe and heavy make-up only hampers the process. So, avoid it during the summer. Instead, make sure you use sunscreen before you step out into the sun.
- Eat right: Eat light. Avoid heavy, oily food. A diet rich in fruit and liquids will go a long way in keeping your body cool. Water is the most easy and effective solution to most skin problems; it helps cleanse the body while keeping it cool. Drink loads of it. Splash your face with water at regular intervals to beat the heat.
- Use sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher. Don't forget ears, lips and back of the neck.
- Never leave children or pets inside a car, even if the windows are open.
- Finally, use common sense. If the heat is intolerable, stay indoors when you can and avoid activities in direct sunlight or on hot asphalt surfaces. Pay special attention to the elderly, infants, and anyone with a chronic illness, as they may dehydrate easily and be more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Don't forget that pets also need protection from dehydration and heat-related illnesses too.
When the rest of you is suffering the summer heat, can your attitude be far behind? Summer time usually means increased irritation and heightened tempers be it at home, on the bus or at work. Even the most saintly among us can't help but fall prey to the occasional burst of frustration.
So, as you take care of your body's needs during the summer, you need to make an equal effort to take care of your attitude. Smile. Loosen up. And don't let the little things get to you. Try to relax and indulge in your hobbies as often as you can. This will help you de-stress.
So, as you take care of your body's needs during the summer, you need to make an equal effort to take care of your attitude. Smile. Loosen up. And don't let the little things get to you. Try to relax and indulge in your hobbies as often as you can. This will help you de-stress.
Remember, while this extended, hot summer has brought with it various troubles, the rains are not too far away. Adding a few simple practices to your daily routine can go a long way in helping you keep your cool until then.